Attention c’est une arnaque

Forum Black Lists Fournisseurs à éviter… Attention c’est une arnaque

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    faites attention à la périodique offre publicitaire envoyée par Emma Walker ou Sandra Miller, soi-disantes advertising manager du magazine Il s’agit d’une arnaque. Si quelqu’un a plus de familiarité que nous avec la Police Postale Anglaise, ou Allemande (car ils demandent un virement bancaire sur un compte Allemand, mais ils se présentent comme une société Anglaise), merci de bien vouloir leur signaler.

    Dear Sir / Madam,
    I am Emma Walker, advertising manager of Africa Travel Magazine, one of Europe’s most flamboyant travel magazines, with over 80.500 copies distributed 6 times a year!

    In April we launch our Morocco special with more than 20 pages dedicated to beautiful Morocco.

    We selected a few riads that meet our standards and will offer you the chance to promote your riad in our Morocco special as your city will be covered in a 6-8 page story / article..

    Advertisers get a free link to their websites in our monthly newsletter.

    Advertising rates starts at Euro 89,00 only for a 1/4 page advertisement.

    We can create the artwork for you in case you don’t have an advertisement ready. (at no extra charge)

    Africa Travel Magazine is a leading international magazine focusing on the best African travel destinations.

    With subscribers in over 15 countries, Africa Travel Magazine has been bringing the world’s most exciting continent to traveller’s door steps since 2012.

    For more information about advertising have a look at the attached Rate Card.

    Our website for more information about the magazine.

    Thank you for your time and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Yours sincerely,

    Emma Walker

    Advertising Manager

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